Internal Concordance to the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum

compiled by Andreas Faßbender

The early volumes of Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum were printed one fascicle at a time, with the result that additions and corrections, as well as new and re-edited inscriptions, appear at a number of different points throughout each volume, making it difficult to search this material effectively. The sections of 'Falsae vel alienae' frequently include new information on inscriptions which have already been published in other volumes and the large number of inscriptions which have been included more than once in the corpus further complicate the task of gathering a complete set of information on an inscription.

To address this problem a concordance was compiled to provide a reference-guide to the entire Corpus in convenient form; it was published in the autumn of 2003 as Index numerorum : ein Findbuch zum Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum, zusammengestellt von A. Fassbender (= CIL Auctarium, Series nova 1). 2 vols., Berlin - New York, 2003.

Additions to this concordance, which become necessary with the publication of each new CIL volume, will be made available on this page as pdf-files.

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Concordances of inscription-numbers in CIL to those of older collections of Latin inscriptions and other editions

In the CIL, especially in the earlier volumes, cross-references to are sometimes made to older collections of inscriptions, such as those of Gruter, Muratori, Brambach or Reinesius, when referring to inscriptions which at the time of publication had not yet appeared in the CIL. Almost all the inscriptions in these collections have now been included in the CIL; however, a researcher whose starting-point is these older collections would have difficulty locating an inscription in the CIL and for this reason concordances to the older editions have been compiled.

In addition there are concordances to the convenient and widely-used edition ILS, to the Christian inscriptions of Rome (ICVR n. s.) and to other editions.

If it has not been possible to identify a CIL-number for an entry in these concordances, references are given to the relevant number in ICVR n. s., IG (in some cases also to CIG), ILCV, ILS and other editions, to offer an easier route to these inscriptions than rare editions such as Gruter or Muratori.

As a general rule, Greek inscriptions are not systematically represented, reflecting the CIL's scope as an edition of Latin inscriptions. An exception is made in the case of the inscriptions from the western Mediterranean collected in IG XIV which are sometimes bilingual. However, individual Greek inscriptions have been included in the concordances where possible.

The following symbols have been used (cf. Index numerorum p. X):


The inscription has been re-edited with this new number.

Important discussion of the reading or authenticity, new fragments.


General information, e.g. bibliographical references, find spot or current location, archaeological context, etc.


Both inscriptions are found on the same support (e.g. front and back).


If you have questions or suggestions, additions or corrections, please send them to:

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